Please use the following e-form to contact the dojo. Your browser must be configured to support using this type of form. If you have any difficulties, please contact us via the following address: info "at" seikeikan "dot" com.
NO SOLICITORS Solicitors domains and e-mail addresses will be added to our DNS Black List and reported to the authorities. As well, unfriendly messages will not be returned and e-mail addresses will be added to our black list.
Orangevale Recreation and Park District Youth Center
6745 Hazel Avenue
Orangevale, CA 95662
916-988-6140 (Registration | 916-538-0706 (General Info)
Located across the street from the Orangevale Community Center
NOTE: Please DO NOT send mail to this address OR the Community Center address as it WILL NOT be delivered. Email the dojo if post is required.